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Exploring Local Pūrākau and Resources

This interactive workshop allows participants to explore and understand many of the Ngāi Tahu historical contexts the iwi is willing to share widely, and provides opportunities for wānanga on how to incorporate cultural contexts into everyday early childhood settings. The Ngāi Tahu Education Strategy focus centres on actively promote education success through creating pathways, prioritising success, promoting innovation and providing leadership opportunities. If you are keen on utilising our creation stories in culturally safe and sustainable ways, then you will find this workshop helpful and informative

Presented by:

Dianne Robinson

Click my photo for more information about me!

He mihi matakuikui, he mihi matakorokoro, he mihi manahou hoki. Tihei, mauri ora. Ko Tawhitinui te maunga, Ko Tauranga te awa Ko Te Puna o Te Ruatārehu te Punawai Ko Te Maru o Hinemakahō te marae Ko Te Whānau a Pararaki te hapū, Ko Te Whānau a Apanui te iwi. Ko te rohe "mai Ngutuone ki Mangatoetoe" He peka hoki ōku ki te hapū o te Whānau a Ruataupare, ki te iwi o Ngāti Pōrou. Ko te rohe o tōku hoa rangatira a Fayne Robinson, ko Poutini Ngāi Tahu. Ko Dianne Robinson tēnei, e mihi ana. Dianne is a professional development facilitator and previously a primary kaiako, residing in North Canterbury. Her experience in rumaki and bilingual school settings, as well as in kohanga reo and whare kohungahunga gives her the experience and understandings of what can support keen kaiako to “do more, do better” when delving into Māori cultural contexts and practices. If you are a kaiako in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā, then this workshop is for you.
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